Travel Plans are normally required to support planning applications for large scale developments of all land use types. In brief, travel plans set out a management strategy for new developments with the aim to encourage take-up and use of non-vehicular modes of transport. As such they are also ‘living’ documents that are periodically reviewed and monitored against set targets post site occupation.
IPaD can assist with the development of bespoke travel plans that are specific to certain type of development proposals. Examples of these include the following:
- A framework employment travel plan to support an outline planning application that covers multiple plots or units e.g. a business park.
- A plot or end-user specific employment travel plan to support detailed planning applications for a specific/ standalone plot/ unit or when the occupier is known.
- A residential travel plan specific for new housing developments.
- A retail travel plan for new retail or commercial developments.
- Area-wide travel plans that covers development in a specific geographic zoned area.
IPaD can help assist in the formulation of your travel plan and will help ensure that it provides an achievable, cost effective, and best-fit solution minded to the site’s surroundings and levels of accessibility to non-car travel modes.